The Uncivil War Against JK Rowling Intensifies

November 23, 2021  ·
  WDW Pro

There’s something poetic about the generation that grew up on Harry Potter, loved Harry Potter, and was transformed by Harry Potter, then judging the creator of everything Harry Potter unworthy of existence. I’m not sure it’s a good poem, but its poetry nonetheless. It’s not like deciding you dislike Lebron James but you still like basketball. JK Rowling is the wellspring form which all things Harry Potter came from. The story is an extension of her being. Trying to divorce the author from her works is like trying to excommunicate Tolkien from Middle Earth. There are those things which we do out of mundane necessity, but there are also those things that the greatest artists participate in whereby they place their modus operandi into a narrative thesis. Yet the generation that was raised into greater consciousness via Harry Potter has decided it is worthy of praise, and they will take it over by force to keep it that way. A successful woman who disagrees with this generation on a social concern is thereby stripped of that which she has hewn. The newly fomented adults and gatekeepers of self-proclaimed cultural purity will adopt Rowling’s greatest work, and they’ll do it by force.

JK Rowling Stripped from Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Celebration

If you’ve made it this far into the article, you’re likely a fully-functioning thinker. The ideological fanatics likely dropped once they realized this article isn’t dripping with enthusiasm for de-platforming and de-personing.

You’ve probably heard about the removal of JK Rowling from the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Harry Potter. If not, a link to the subject is provided above. There needs to be something said about the child actors turned adult superstars who will be returning without the independent woman that gave them their vast success. Success is like that, though. You would think that Rowling would be celebrated as the woman who rose above the patriarchy, transformed a generation of fresh minds, and generated success for future feminists like Emma Watson. Instead, the woman who became the most powerful creator in all of the United Kingdom is target numero uno for being utterly dismissed. Her crime: stepping outside the hegemonic orthodoxy of the woke authoritarians.


Perhaps you feel that transsexual persons become the biology of that which they proclaim. Perhaps you do not. It feels very much like the new secular transubstantiation. Instead of Christians debating whether or not the bread and wine become the literal body and blood of Christ, the secular millennials are busy debating whether or not those who proclaim an identity are automatically awarded that identity. Or, more aptly put, they’re not debating the topic because they’ve adopted the centuries-old method of screaming heretic at anyone who dares wonder what the building blocks of identity might be, and whether or not there is an objective substrate that determines who one really is.

And so despite JK Rowling having molded their minds, they have turned against her. For it is she who has said that women are women and men are men. It is as elementary a statement as red is red and blue is blue, but it would undermine a new idea wrought from the internet avatars that raised our youth for the past twenty years. Why can our morphable online avatars not be brought into the physical world, and why can we not be whatever we wish to be whenever we wish to be that thing? Perhaps you, the reader, share this opinion. Perhaps the author does as well. JK Rowling does not. But have we come so low as a society that a differing philosophical opinion warrants utter dismissal? Shall we not be a society of debated ideas, but instead a world of bludgeoning dogmas with strict adherents?


The new warfare against Rowling moves to a territory that should be familiar to anyone who remembers the Salem Witch Trials. Now, Rowling and her family must feel unsafe everywhere at all times. For not even in their own home should they be allowed to exist without fear. The acolytes of the postmodern neomarxist authoritopia have decided that Rowling’s home and the home of her family are their new turf. They’ll “doxx” her there so that no space on Earth is refuge. No person should take joy in such a thing, as any reader of history knows that should they take down Rowling (which drives them crazy that she hasn’t yet acquiesced), they’ll come for weaker targets next. And the issues for which they deem worthy of potential violence will morph into even more intrusive belief demands.

Elsewhere, we see the phenomenon occurring. In Star Wars, the goal has been to strike the meaning from the original films that George Lucas authored and shook the world. The archetypes in the original movies were unacceptable to the new transformers of culture, and so they had to be struck down even if the truth they bore was transformative, lucrative. In the Marvel movies, that which was highly successful before has been torn down to go forward with a new system; the leaders of entertainment have believed themselves impervious to truthful narratives, and instead believe that they can shape cultures, truth, and ideals in contradiction to that which has functioned exceedingly well before.


It must feel bizarre for these creators who brought ancient archetypes into the world through new and creative means. They were the trend-pushes at one point. Who can forget the pushback Rowling received from some religious conservatives who thought Harry Potter might inspire interest in the occult? And yet now the George Lucas and JK Rowling types have been cast out of the left, thrown away and their creations abducted. In a world that wants to ignore merit, there’s a misguided belief that you can strip away the geniuses that herald in narrative revelation that captures the attention of the masses… after all, anyone can do that, right?

Or perhaps they can’t, and perhaps the cost of a hegemonic belief system is that there just won’t be any new Harry Potters. New inventive things might stray from the purity of belief, and then we’ll have to harass people all the way to their homes again. So move forthwith at great speed to the new Dark Ages, you online twits — it’s the Unenglightenment Period and JK Rowling is the witch we must burn to get there. It won’t be the Church that ties her to a stake though. This time the online mob has torches, and they’re ready to set success ablaze.
